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equipo expertos digitales

Tips to transform your team in digital experts

Thanks to the new normality, many teams had to adapt to remote work, but not many have successfully done so. How to turn your team into digital experts? Here are some tips to achieve it.


One of the main problems generated by the tendency of working from home is the lack of communication. To speak of hyperconnectivity is to compensate for those possible failures that exist in a conventional work area through different channels.

It is important to guarantee and encourage the team to be connected at the agreed times, in addition to looking for channels not only for internal dialogue, but also for communication with customers. So choose the easiest tools to use, spend a few hours training and use them as a habit. 

Digital Security

Each area handles certain information that may be confidential to the interests of the business. It is super important that, as a team, you implement digital security mechanisms. From having a suitable antivirus, to constantly renewing the access keys of platforms, such as the cloud, they can help in an enormous way to avoid digital sabotage.


One of the biggest advantages of working from home is the flexibility of time it gives, however, it is also one of the biggest risks. This way, it is imperative that the team learns to structure its own times to meet the established goals. Fortunately, there are various applications on several platforms to achieve this. But the real challenge is to effectively communicate it to the rest of the team.

Work Tools

Perhaps the most important aspect, since otherwise none of the above points can be possible. From the right equipment for the right tasks, such as a computer, a cell phone, or perhaps a tablet, to the intangible. Having the right software to accomplish your goals can guarantee the success or failure of any project.

As a team leader, providing the basics to accomplish all of these points is not easy. However, achieving all these allows your team to become digital experts and achieve their goals in the best way.

Still have doubts about how to transform your team into digital experts? Do not worry! At Panama Pacifico we have training programs for this, and many other topics! Contact us and discover what this business community can offer to all your employees and even their families!

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