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Sale, Panama, Economy, Business, Investments, Talent, Workforce, Training, Growth, Development

Strategies to quickly expand your business

In all SMEs, it is essential to implement strategies to expand the company without compromising its stability or the margins that are so carefully established. Today we bring you five methods that will allow you to improve productivity and grow the scope of the services or products it offers.


  • Build relationships with your customers

Remember that the relationship with the customer does not end in the sale. You must earn their trust and build a long term connection, which will even function as a brand promoter as well. This will help you attract new buyers. You can do this with exceptional customer service and forming a community in social networks to interact daily.


  • Establish a process for everything

Each operation must have a well defined system and structure for its execution, as this helps to provide a better service regardless of the conditions that are out of control. In addition, this will allow you to be clear about the actual production price, to have a more accurate inventory and a clear idea of ​​the workload involved in the activity.


  • Prepare updated business plans

Instead of operating on long-term business plans, focus your efforts on a quarterly plan that is detailed, measurable and with defined growth goals. Not only will it allow you to analyze in depth the progress of the business, but you will also be able to detect the opportunities and weaknesses that are emerging, as well as implement updated and innovative trends in the industry.


  • Generate demand before defeating competitors

The fight in the new markets is not against another company, but against the inertia of the client. Create a demand if your offer is new and you can even make the competition an ally, as they can educate customers to make this new type of purchase. Once you get acceptance, now you can accentuate the differences with respect to the competitors.


  • Get to your target  

Before entering large markets, you must first meet small goals. When the proposal is good enough for only a particular type of buyer, efforts should be focused to make them more powerful. Thus, the first clients serve as useful and positive references.

Finally, it is also useful to surround yourself with other businesses to form a cluster that provides value to the company. Panama Pacifico is made up of +280 companies ranging from start-ups to large multinationals. That is why it has a very rich commercial community, which provides many benefits to your company, regardless of its turnover or size.

Meet Panama Pacifico today and the incentives it provides to facilitate the growth of your organization in the long term. Contact us!

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