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7 movies to watch to feel motivated

It isn’t weird that on the weekend, you train your brain to stop thinking about work. In fact, that is actually a good thing that everyone should do, in order to come clean and stay focused the rest of the week. However, it is well known that inspiration comes in the less expected times, especially when you are resting and relaxed. That’s because the brain is not on the defense, so it lets itself keep valuable information. So it is really important to choose wisely what you read, hear, and watch. And movies are a huge part of it! So here is a list of the best motivational movies you can see to feel that spark every time.

Nightcrawler (2014)

Although a little brutal, this movie tells a story that will keep you at the edge of your seat every minute. It’s about a guy who can’t find a job, so he creates one on his own after witnessing a crime and documenting it. Here, you’ll learn how persuasion and drive can let you become anyone you want.


The Social Network (2010)

Yes, you knew this movie was going to be in this list. But it wasn’t one of Hollywood’s most successful blockbusters for nothing. This is a great movie to learn how to take your dreams and turn them into reality, no matter how “dorm room” idea it sounds. Besides, even though it is not that accurate, it is really interesting to see the story behind the world’s most famous social media platform! 


The Pursuit of Happiness (2006)

The first thing you need to know about this movie is: you will cry. Because it tells a hard, hard story about real life and how you must never, never, never give up. Will Smith’s portrayal is amazing and will give you goosebumps. And if, after the end, you don’t feel motivated to achieve anything you want, then we don’t know what will. 


The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

It not only helps to say that it is one of the best movies ever (it is currently on IMDB’s top 10 movies of all time), but it clearly is an example of how perseverance makes you achieve more than what you ever will think possible. It tells the story of how two imprisoned men bond over the years to find redemption through acts of common decency. 


Erin Brockovich (2000)

This movie is a legal drama based on a true story. It tells the story of a powerful woman that, against all odds, helps win the largest settlement ever paid in a direct-action lawsuit. It tells the importance of sticking to one’s scruples, no matter the obstacle. Watch the trailer and fall in love with this amazing role model. 


Rocky (1976)

You may have heard about this famous boxer. Who are we kidding? We know you love him! And yes, this amazing movie is so important to watch because it teaches you to keep fighting no matter the size of the challenge. It will teach you about competition and never give up!


Jerry McGuire (1996)

This classic movie is also based on a true story and will keep you up on your feet screaming “Show me the money!” It tells the story of a handsome Tom Cruise that is faced with rejection while he takes big leaps of faith. He identifies the best road for him to follow and, ultimately, manages to balance his success both personally and professionally. It is indeed a great lesson! 


So there you have it! How many of these amazing films have you seen? It doesn’t hurt to see them again if you really like them. After all, the messages are amazing and will help you both in your business life and in your personal life. Once you see them, you should comment to us your favorite! 

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