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The Best Organizational Tools to Help You Work Smarter

Many people in the world are making efforts to cope with the pandemic as well as possible. One of the efforts that have certainly helped a lot is working from home. In the past weeks, companies like JP Morgan, Google, Twitter, Facebook, and Amazon asked their employees to work remotely.

We know that for many of us it can be somewhat difficult to adapt to this new routine. But without a doubt, technology and connectivity have been key pieces to help us organize ourselves better and keep in touch with our work teams. That is why we bring you a list of the best apps to help you improve your performance and organization working from home.


  1. Slack

Slack helps consolidate communication and collaboration in one handy, easy-to-use interface so can stay on top of team activities minute to minute. Its flexibility lets you communicate and organize work with co-workers, message or call anyone or group, share and edit documents and collaborate with the right people on a project.


  1. Asana

Asana’s mobile project management app gives you the inside track on all your work projects from anywhere. Wherever you are, Asana quickly updates you on your and co-worker tasks. Use it to add a task for to-dos, reminders, ideas, and requests, create projects to organize your tasks in lists or boards complete with due dates, assignees, followers, details, and files, and comment on tasks to clarify instructions or ask questions.


  1. Evernote

Evernote helps you take notes, share them, and organize your work. In addition to ordinary note-taking, it allows you to create to-do lists, add images, scan documents with your camera, take handwritten notes, and make sketches.


  1. Spark

Almost all of us use email for work and receive tons of messages daily with different levels of priority. Spark is an email cleaner that helps you focus on important emails by sending certain messages to the top of your mailbox. You can pin and reply to important messages, and batch archive the rest.


  1. Todoist

Many people don’t like to-do lists because it requires making the effort to write and organize all the tasks they need to do and that in itself can be time-consuming. With Todoist, you can enter your tasks once and use the application as an organization center. Use it to capture, organize, and prioritize tasks, record deadlines with reminders, set due dates, collaborate by assigning tasks to coworkers.

We hope these apps help you to boost your efficiency and productivity while we are working from home. What other apps have you implemented?


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